Feathered Press is a full-service indie publisher and resource for authors interested in self-publishing. We help authors move step-by-step from idea to published without stress or scams.
Do you have a book project you’d like to discuss? Schedule a FREE consultation with us! It’s a no-pressure opportunity for us to learn about what you’re doing, and for us to share what we can do for you.

Showcase your expertise.

Are you an expert in your field? Turn your experience, insights, and know-how into a powerful tool for your customers, clients, and prospects. Publishing a book that showcases everything you know is a powerful way to position yourself as a credible source within your career field.


Inspire others.

Books are a powerful tool for teaching and enlightening. We can get your children’s book finished, designed, and published so that you may deliver something meaningful to readers of all ages. Whether you are an educator, a parent, or simply a subject matter enthusiast and expert, we can help you publish your book and promote it for additional business opportunities such as speaking engagements and workshops.